Home to School Transport Service
We offer a reliable, safe and convenient home to school transport service for a number of local schools.
Johnsons Coaches have an enviable reputation working with and supplying coaches for a range of educational facilities across the Midlands and nationwide. All of our drivers are highly professional, trained to the highest standard and kept up to industry regulations constantly. We offer specified home to school transport routes for a number of local schools to ensure that pupils can safely and easily get to and from school.
Route Information -
Please find below the full information on each bus route, these routes only run Monday to Friday in term time only!
Warwickshire County Council Routes:
Route 102: Mappleborough Green - Henley High School - CLICK HERE
Route 257: Barford - Stratford High School - CLICK HERE
Route 527: Warwick Parkway - Aylesford School - CLICK HERE
Warwick School Routes:
Warwick Schools Foundation operates a number of bus services, from a wide catchment area, exclusively for pupils within the Foundation Schools. We are working in partnership with Zeelo to deliver the School Bus Service for 2024-2025. To see all information about the Warwick School Routes please click HERE.
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