Our New Safe Operating Procedure for Holidays and Day Excursions
Date Added 14/03/2022
Following the government’s announcement regarding the continued easing of Covid restrictions, we are pleased to be able to update our arrangements and procedures for Coach Holidays and Day Excursions from Thursday 24th February 2022 onwards. Please note that at all times we will always follow the latest government guidelines, and these can be subject to change at short notice.
Whilst vaccination remains the first line of defence against COVID-19 as the Prime Minister sets out the Government’s plans to live with and manage the virus.
The vaccination programme was hugely successful and helped the UK to build up immunity across the population. To save lives and protect the NHS, unprecedented measures were taken to protect people’s lives and livelihoods. We saw the government spend billions of pounds on supporting a locked-down economy as the public stayed at home.
Rule Changes from 24th February 2022
On 21 February 2022, the Prime Minister confirmed that domestic legal restrictions will end on 24 February 2022, as we begin to treat COVID-19 as other infectious diseases such as flu. The end to the restrictions means that:
- The legal requirement to self-isolate ends. The government has set out guidance, advising all adults and children who test positive for COVID-19 to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for at least five full days, until 01 April 2022. From April, the government will update guidance setting out the ongoing steps that people with COVID-19 should take to be careful and considerate of others.
- Self-isolation support payments, national funding for practical support and the medicine delivery service will no longer be available.
- Routine contact tracing is set to end, including venue check-ins on the NHS COVID-19 app; and
- Fully vaccinated adults will no longer be required to test daily after close contact with a COVID -19 positive person and those who are unvaccinated will no longer be required to self-isolate.
The government remains ready to respond if a new variant emerges and places unsustainable pressure on the NHS.
What does all this mean?
We are all keen to return to a normal ‘pre-covid’ lifestyle but it is wrong to believe that covid has not gone away! Therefore, to protect yourself and fellow passengers we do request that all of the common-sense procedures that were implemented since the onset of the pandemic are maintained.
These simple actions include:
Wash hands - keep washing your hands regularly
- Cover face - wear a face covering in enclosed spaces – Although some customers may choose not to wear a face-covering, there may well be many of your fellow travellers who still prefer to wear one. We do request that you do respect their decision to do this at all times.
- Make space - stay at least a metre apart from those you do not know
- Ventilate - when in enclosed spaces, open the windows to allow fresh air to circulate.
What to do if you have symptoms - Make sure you are fit to travel!
- Please ensure that you are well and in good health in the week leading up to your holiday or excursion.
- If you have any symptoms of Covid-19 prior to your holiday or excursion, for example, a new continuous cough, high temperature and/or lack of taste or smell; then please contact us on 01564 797000 so that we can agree any appropriate action.
- We still strongly recommend that all passengers consider doing a lateral flow test within 48 hours of your departure time.
- We are following the current government and NHS advice regarding positive tests.
- Whilst you are no longer required by law to self-isolate if you have Covid-19, we advise that in the interests of your own well-being and those of your fellow travellers, that you do not travel and that you should stay at home and avoid contact with other people.
- This helps reduce the chance of passing Covid-19 on to others (This advice will be updated by the government on 1st April 2022).
What are we still doing?
·Although our drivers and staff may no longer choose to wear a face-covering we are actively encouraging them to maintain good-practice and be vigilant at all times.
If any staff member presents covid-symptoms, they will be encouraged not to attend work and to follow the Government guidelines as set out above.
All our company vehicles and our ‘Comfort Stop’ toilet facilities will continue to undergo enhanced cleaning including the sanitisation of seats, glass and other surfaces plus mopping all floors with disinfectant.
- Please wash your hands and use the anti-bac gel while waiting to board.
- We ask that you respect the personal space of other passengers and staff wherever possible.
1. Arriving at the destination/attraction.
- Upon arrival at the destination/attraction, please continue to respect the personal space of other customers while waiting to disembark.
- Please remain cautious and follow the destination’s own Covid-19 guidelines throughout the day. We will do our best to inform you of any formal.
- Continue to wash your hands / sanitise regularly throughout the day.
- Our driver will sanitise all touch points on the coach before your journey home.
2. Restrictions in other countries
- Different restrictions may still be in place in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. Therefore, our drivers, couriers and our customers are required to abide by the rules of that country.
Thank you all for your full understanding and continuing to travel with us. The precautions and procedures we have had to implement have been a necessity to help all our passengers and staff remain safe and healthy throughout the pandemic. As restrictions continue to ease and confidence in our ability to travel safely grows, we hope that everyone will follow these basic common-sense guidelines and we hope that they do not create any major inconvenience to you and that you enjoy your time with us. Our message is simple…
Let's keep life moving... but let's keep safe!
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