VE Day 75th Anniversary Celebrations
Date Added 08/05/2020
Today in an important day in our history– a special anniversary, especially at the moment. Most of us will know friends and relatives who have selflessly given their time in the armed forces in the service of this country. With the bank holiday and great weather all of us were no doubt looking forward to celebrating, with those close to us, with street parties and much more besides. It should be a celebration and also an act of commemoration, so we hope you will all take time to share this day with your nearest & dearest either over the fence , by phone or by whatever safe means.
Our own father and grandfather did service in WW2 and both had different experiences of VE Day. Our Mum’s Dad was lying in a recovery hospital on the south coast; he didn’t get home for another few months but he did survive okay and ended up working for us, “just” to answer the phone – and of course much else too! Our Dad – Roy, was still serving in the RAF in Burma and didn’t get home until the end of 1945; he explained that end of the war in Europe sort of went around like a rumour which no one could quite believe!
Our Mum remembers the street party, (every street had one); missing her Dad, the sense of community, the make do and mend, the rationing – and the share what you have, but she never remembers being unhappy.
So, during these current difficulties, in our time, we can remember the past – and take solace that if other generations could get by and be happy, despite what they went through, we can too! Enjoy your Day everyone.
Best wishes.
Pete & John.
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